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That's What We Do

Spanish Courses Sintaxis

Spanish Learning Courses

Plan your Spanish language course in Ecuador (latin America) with Sintaxis school.
Beautiful Tours Sintaxis

Beautiful Tours

Sintaxis Tours offers guided tours on the mainland of Ecuador as well as one or two day excursions from Quito.
Sintaxis Foundation

Sintaxis Foundation

The aim of the foundation is to offer our help and support to communities with poor economic resources in Ecuador.

Former student at Sintaxis became a teacher in Mexico

A former student of Sintaxis wrote us a very nice email for christmas 2010:

Hola Enrique,

muchas gracias por sus saludos navidenos, los que recibi por su lista de distribución. Imagínate, en octubre comencé a dar clases de alemán en una pequena escuela de idiomas en San Luis Potosí, México. En julio había termiando mis estudios, hasta junio del próximo ano voy a estar en San Luis. Me gusta mucho ensenar mi propio idioma. Mis alumnos les manda una empresa alemana con planta en México y empiezan todos desde "zero". De repente tengo que pensar en ustedes en Quito, el lugar donde todo empezó, porque sin hablar castellano se me haría difícil mi trabajo y no habría salido ya la tercera vez a Latinoamérica.

De momento estoy con mi familia en Alemania, con mucha nieve, pero todos muy contentos y alegres. De aquí te envío abrazos y los mejores deseos para el 2011.

"Fröhliche Weihnachten"




Hello Enrique,

Thank you very much for your christmas greetings that I've recieved being part of your mail distribution list. Imagine in October I've started giving German classes in a small language school in San Luis Potosí Mexico. In July after finishing my studies I will be staying until June the next year in San Luis. I love to teach my own language (mother tongue). My students have been sent here by a German company that produces in Mexico and is starting right from the scratch. Again and again I've been thinking of you in Quito which is the place where everything began. Because without speaking Spanish I wouldn't have managed my work and I wouldn't have travelled for the third time to Latin America.

For the moment I am with my family in Germany. We have a lot of snow. But all are very happy and content. From here I send you big hugs and all the best wishes for 2011.

"Merry Christmas"
